Energy Security: Indonesia’s Grand Strategy in Facing Global Energy Market


  • Melaty Anggraini Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta



Grand Strategy, Global Market Energy, Energy Security


Abstrak: Indonesia memiliki peluang yang cukup potensial untuk memainkan peran dalam politik energi karena Indonesia di dukung sumber daya alam energi potensial baik energi fosil maupun energi terbarukan, yang seharusnya dapat melayani kebutuhan pasokan energi global serta menjaga ketersediaan energi bagi masyarakatnya. Serta dapat meningkatkan posisi tawar strategis Indonesia dalam ranah geopolitik dunia. Namun Indonesia belum bisa memanfaatkan posisi strategis tersebut, dikarenakan ketidaksanggupan dalam memenuhi subtitusi energi dan menghadapi dinamika harga energi dunia yang ditunjukkan dari sikap Indonesia yang mengundurkan diri sebagai anggota OPEC di tahun 2008. Perubahan tingkat konsumsi energi masyarakat Indonesia yang semakin meningkat akibat pola industrialisasi dan perkembangan alat transportasi juga merubah posisi Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang tinggi dalam hal mengimpor energi daripada melakukan ekspor energi ke negara lainnya.  Untuk itu penelitian ini berfokus menganalisis rancangan yang paling tepat bagi Indonesia untuk membenahi regulasinya di bidang energi. Analisis dari hambatan dan tantangan bagi pemerintah Indonesia dalam membuat regulasi di bidang energi khususnya energi terbarukan, maka Indonesia perlu membuat rancangan konsep ketahanan energi dengan menyiapkan sebuah Grand Strategy Energy dalam menghadapi pasar energi global. Pemerintah Indonesia perlu membuat Grand Strategi yang mengarah ke pembatasan konsumsi energi fosil dan perlu upaya diversifikasi energi agar permintaan terhadap energi fosil dapat diminimilisir, serta mendorong iklim investasi asing sebagai modal pengembangan diversifikasi energi alternatif tersebut, namun disesuaikan dengan tujuan kepentingan nasional yang lebih mengarah ke domestic oriented dan transisi energi dunia. 


Abstract: Indonesia has quite a potential opportunity to play a role in energy politics because Indonesia is supported by potential natural energy resources, both fossil and renewable energy, which should serve the needs of the global energy supply and maintain energy availability for its people. As well as being able to improve Indonesia's strategic bargaining position in the realm of world geopolitics. However, Indonesia has yet to take advantage of this strategic position due to its inability to meet energy substitution and to face the dynamics of world energy prices, as shown by Indonesia's resignation as a member of OPEC in 2008. Changes in energy consumption in Indonesia are increasing due to industrialization and development patterns. Means of transportation also changed Indonesia's position to become one of the countries that are high in importing energy rather than exporting energy to other countries. For this reason, this research focuses on analyzing the most appropriate design for Indonesia to improve its regulations in the energy sector. From the analysis of the obstacles and challenges for the Indonesian government in making regulations in the energy sector, especially renewable energy, Indonesia needs to design an energy security concept by preparing a Grand Energy Strategy in facing the global energy market. The Indonesian government needs to make a Grand Strategy that leads to limiting the consumption of fossil energy and needs efforts to diversify energy so that demand for fossil energy can be minimized, as well as encouraging a foreign investment climate as capital for developing alternative energy diversification but adjusted to the goals of national interests which are more directed towards domestic-oriented and world energy transition.



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How to Cite

Anggraini, M. (2023). Energy Security: Indonesia’s Grand Strategy in Facing Global Energy Market. Budi Luhur Journal of Strategic & Global Studies, 1(1), 26–48.


