Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): January

Editorial Note: Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2024
The Volume 2 Issue 1 of the Journal of Strategic and Global Studies (SGS) is now available, and we are pleased to announce it. This journal is representative of the wide range of viewpoints present in international studies. The Department of International Relations releases the publication twice a year, inside the Faculty of Social and Global Studies at Universitas Budi Luhur. Strategic and Global Studies delves into a wide range of constructive and critical inquiries that are centered on international studies. These inquiries encompass foreign policy, development, transnationalism, peace and conflict, security, diplomacy, international political economy, and human rights, among others. To help bridge the gap between pure theory and application, the SGS accepts research publications that are both theory-oriented and applied.
This edition consists of 6 articles. Melaty Anggraini is the author of the first article, "Psychosocial Perspective on Women's Involvement in Radicalism." This article focuses on analyzing the driving factors of women's involvement in radicalism, but more on the context of psychological perspective of the women involved to find the most appropriate approach to helping the prevention and control process for women exposed to radicalism. It argues that the analysis of the theory found that the relevance of psychological factors is very influential on personality and human action to carry out acts of radicalism.
"Human Development Cluster Analysis in Banten Province: A Global Perspective on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic" is the title of Aryuningsih's second article. This study aimed to cluster districts and cities in Banten using algorithms on k-means and fuzzy c-means by being grouped into 4 clusters at once. To view the clustering, best use a validation test and as a means of information and input in terms of increasing development evenly in Banten Province. The validation test showed results with values of 0.38 and 0.78. Given that the validation value is closer to 1, it can be concluded that using the fuzzy c-means algorithms on the Human Development Index indication provides better results than the k-means technique.
The third article authored by Fabian Fadhly Jambak, Didin Baharuddin, and Neng Erna Sry Denasty, entitled “National Law and International Law in Indonesian (Between Monism or Dualism),” argues that although Indonesia doctrinally adheres to monism as mandated by Article 11 of the 1945 Basic Law, monism and dualism in Indonesia are practiced alternately as required in the courts in deciding a case. The contradictions of both lead to Indonesia not being firm and consistent in implementing the constitution.
Mohamad Rifai wrote the fourth article, "Indonesia's Foreign Policy Towards Malaysia and Thailand Regarding Rohingya Refugees in Indonesia During the Early Year of President Joko Widodo's Administration." This article reveals that Indonesia’s foreign policy adopts a multilateral strategy by engaging in meetings with countries of origin, transit, and destination to address the challenges of irregular migration, particularly with Malaysia and Thailand.
The fifth article authored by Anvar Gafurov, entitled “Reforms in the Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Improve the Management of Higher Education Institutions.” The article reveals the main reforms in the educational sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan which has to be continued. Demographic indicators of Uzbekistan show the population is still growing, whereas the number of higher intuitions is not enough to cover needs. The last article authored by Vivi Pusvitasary, entitled “Indonesian Diplomacy under the Leadership of Joko Widodo in Resolving Land Border Disputes with Timor-Leste.” This article aims to find out the process of implementing the land border between Indonesia and Timor-Leste. The results of this study show the diplomatic efforts undertaken in the era of Joko Widodo. The two countries agreed on land borders in principle on July 23, 2019.
We apologize to all parties if there are still any shortcomings in the substance or presentation of the manuscripts published in this edition. The constructive input from the readers will be a valuable incentive for us to correct these shortcomings in the upcoming edition. We look forward to your manuscripts for our next edition.
Vivi Pusvitasary, M.Si.
Managing Editor Budi Luhur Journal of Strategic and Global Studies
Email: vivi.pusvitasary@budiluhur.ac.id