Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): January

Editorial Note
Welcome to the latest edition of Strategic and Global Studies Vol. 3 No. 1, where we are proud to present a collection of important research articles addressing current issues in the field of international relations. In this edition, we feature valuable contributions from leading researchers who have conducted in-depth studies, providing new insights that enrich our understanding and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this domain.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the authors for their submissions, as well as to the reviewers who have provided constructive feedback during the evaluation process. Without their support, maintaining the quality of this journal would not be possible.
"This edition contains six articles, and the first article is written by Oktaria Mawarni with the title “Challenges of Economic Diplomacy Post-WTO Decision in the Perspective of National Interest on Indonesia's Nickel Ore Export Ban Policy to the European Union.” This article discusses efforts to increase the added value of mineral commodities through the nickel downstream policy in Indonesia. However, these efforts face challenges from the European Union and the WTO. Therefore, this study recommends strengthening economic diplomacy, developing local technology, and improving the skills of the domestic workforce to achieve independence and sustainability in nickel governance in Indonesia.
The second article is written by Natasya Agustiani Saputri and Agung Permadi with the title “Enhancing Indonesia’s Foreign Exchange Earnings through Collaborative Efforts in the Indonesia – Malaysia – Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Initiative.” This article outlines the efforts of the Indonesian government to develop halal tourism through trilateral cooperation with Malaysia and Thailand, known as the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), as a form of subregional inter-area cooperation. The findings of this study show that public diplomacy efforts through national and international exhibitions aim to make Indonesia a global halal tourism destination.
The third article, written by Haryo Budi Rahmadi and Andrea Abdul Rahman Azzqy, titled “International Perspectives on Citizenship Education: Netnography on Digital-Based Learning”, describes the adaptation of Citizenship Education (PKn) curriculum in several countries, adjusted to global dynamics to remain relevant by incorporating contemporary issues affecting current life. The research findings show that integrating citizenship affairs as a dominant element in the curriculum and utilizing information technology can create a more adaptive, relevant, and responsive Citizenship Education in addressing global developments.
The fourth article, written by Alia Rahmatulummah, Bagas Rizky Ramadhan, and Inas Alya Haura, titled “Opportunities to Advance Indonesia’s Economy through the OECD and BRICS”, explains Indonesia's strategic steps to strengthen its economic and political position on the global stage through its membership in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) group. Engagement in these two organizations is expected to provide significant benefits for economic growth and national development by opening up opportunities to expand export markets and enhance cooperation with other developing countries.
Next, the fifth article by Ei Khin Khin, titled 'Entrepreneurship in Myanmar: Proposing Solutions to Digital Challenges through Ecosystem and Strategic Frameworks,' aims to identify the challenges faced by young entrepreneurs in Myanmar in running digital entrepreneurship and to find strategic solutions to address these challenges by encouraging public-private partnerships for infrastructure development, improving policy frameworks to protect and promote digital entrepreneurship, as well as providing mental health support and business skills for young entrepreneurs.
The last article, written by Ahmad Thoriq Mahfud and Hafid Adim Pradana, titled 'Analysis of Germany's Policy on the Delivery of Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks (MBT) to Ukraine,' explains the reasons behind Germany's approval to send Main Battle Tanks (MBT) Leopard 2 as military aid to Ukraine. The decision to send the Leopard 2 MBT to Ukraine marks a new phase in the shift of Germany's foreign policy orientation in military security. Germany's decision to deliver the Leopard 2 to Ukraine is influenced by two main international contexts that stimulate both domestic political conditions and Germany's military economic situation.
This journal aims to continue serving as a relevant platform for the exchange of ideas, scholarly discussions, and innovation in the field of international relations issues. We hope this edition will make a positive impact on the development of research and encourage further dialogue among scholars and practitioners.
We also encourage contributions in the form of articles and reviews for future editions. Thank you for your continued interest and support, and we look forward to making meaningful contributions to the academic community.
Strategic and Global Studies