Two Decades of Asymmetrical Threats to Non-traditional Security in Asia Pacific and Challenges for Indonesia (2003-2023)


  • Andrea Abdul Rahman Azzqy



keamanan non-tradisional, Asia Pasifik, Indonesia, ancaman asimetrik


Abstrak: non-tradisional (NTS) merupakan ancaman serius bagi negara-negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik, termasuk Indonesia. Ancaman NTS dapat berupa terorisme, kejahatan transnasional terorganisir, bencana alam, perubahan iklim, dan lain-lain. Ancaman NTS seringkali bersifat asimetrik, yaitu melibatkan aktor non-negara yang memiliki sumber daya terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji urgensi dan tantangan keamanan NTS di Asia Pasifik, serta tantangan bagi Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur untuk menganalisis penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya yang relevan dengan masalah yang dibahas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ancaman NTS semakin meningkat di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Ancaman NTS dapat mengganggu stabilitas keamanan dan pembangunan di kawasan ini. Indonesia juga rentan terhadap ancaman NTS, terutama ancaman terorisme siber, kejahatan transnasional terorganisir, dan bencana alam. Untuk mengatasi tantangan keamanan NTS, Indonesia perlu meningkatkan kapasitas pertahanan siber, memperkuat kerja sama internasional, dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya keamanan NTS.


Abstract: Non-traditional security (NTS) poses a significant threat to countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including Indonesia. NTS threats encompass a range of potential dangers, including terrorism, transnational organized crime, natural catastrophes, climate change, and other similar risks. NTS threats frequently exhibit asymmetry, meaning they involve non-state entities who possess restricted resources. This study uses a method of literature study to analyze previous research that is relevant to the problem discussed. Research results show that NTS threats are rising in the Asia-Pacific region. NTS threats could disrupt security stability and development in the region. Indonesia is also vulnerable to NTS threats, especially the threat of cyber terrorism, transnational organized crime, and natural disasters. To address the NTS security challenges, Indonesia needs to enhance its cyber defense capabilities, strengthen international cooperation, and raise public awareness of the importance of NTS safety.


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How to Cite

Azzqy, A. A. R. (2024). Two Decades of Asymmetrical Threats to Non-traditional Security in Asia Pacific and Challenges for Indonesia (2003-2023). Budi Luhur Journal of Strategic & Global Studies, 2(2), 15–32.


