The Impact of BTS's Victory at the Billboard Music Awards as the First K-Pop Singer in Increasing South Korea's Global Soft Power


  • Mutiara Nabighah Khilmia Sunan Ampel Surabaya State Islamic University



BTS, South Korea, Soft Power, Billboard Music Awards


Abstrak: Bangtan Seonyeondan atau yang kita kenal sebagai BTS adalah boy group asal Korea Selatan yang telah menjadi fenomena global yang telah berkontribusi secara signifikan dalam penyebaran budaya Korea Selatan melalui musik mereka, mereka menjangkau penonton di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini melihat komponen diplomasi budaya dan soft power serta bagaimana popularitas global BTS sesuai dengan ide-ide tersebut. Melalui pemeriksaan liputan media, tanggapan media sosial, dan statistik ekonomi, penelitian ini menunjukkan bagaimana pencapaian BTS telah meningkatkan posisi Korea Selatan sebagai pemimpin budaya di dunia internasional. Menurut analisis, kesuksesan BTS di Billboard Music Awards dan tangga lagu Billboard tidak hanya meningkatkan citra Korea Selatan di luar negeri, tetapi juga meningkatkan minat terhadap bahasa, budaya, dan perjalanan Korea. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga meneliti bagaimana pemerintah Korea Selatan dan sektor hiburan secara strategis memanfaatkan popularitas BTS untuk memajukan tujuan nasional dan memperkuat hubungan diplomatik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, kesuksesan BTS menunjukkan kemampuan produk budaya untuk meningkatkan soft power suatu negara dan menawarkan informasi yang mendalam tentang penerapan budaya pop dalam hubungan internasional. Selain memberikan saran untuk penggunaan diplomasi budaya di masa depan, penelitian ini juga memajukan pengetahuan kita tentang hubungan antara citra nasional dan hiburan di seluruh dunia.


Abstract: Seonyeondan or we know as BTS is a South Korean boy group that has become a global phenomenon that has contributed significantly to the spread of South Korean culture through their music, they reach audiences around the world. This
study looks at the components of cultural diplomacy and soft power and how BTS's global popularity fits into these ideas. Through an examination of media coverage, social media responses, and economic statistics, the study demonstrates how BTS's
accomplishments have improved South Korea's standing as a cultural leader internationally. According to the analysis, BTS's
success on Billboard Music Awards and chart Billboard not only improves the image of South Korea abroad but also increases
interest in Korean language, culture, and travel. Furthermore, the study examines how the South Korean government and
entertainment sector strategically leverage the popularity of BTS to advance national objectives and fortify diplomatic ties. According to these results, BTS's success demonstrates the ability of cultural products to boost a nation's soft power and offers insightful information on the application of pop culture in international relations. In addition to making suggestions for future uses of cultural diplomacy, the research advances our knowledge of the relationships between national image and worldwide entertainment.


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How to Cite

Khilmia, M. N. (2024). The Impact of BTS’s Victory at the Billboard Music Awards as the First K-Pop Singer in Increasing South Korea’s Global Soft Power. Budi Luhur Journal of Strategic & Global Studies, 2(2), 1–14.


